The project is implemented in partnership between Ecosystem Europe Association and Business Foundation for Education. It presents a collection of measures designed to improve the functional and administrative capacity, as well as promote Ecosystem Europe among stakeholders. The general objective of the project is to build the capacity of a modern and resilient non-governmental organization, able to mobilize communities (young people, entrepreneurs and professionals) and supporters to shift towards a new way of thinking about sustainability, to create a favorable environment for access to innovative tools and applications, which can prepare society to meet the environmental challenges and needs of tomorrow. Meeting the project goal will enable Ecosystem Europe to implement its mission and contribute to national and international sustainability priorities and shift towards a circular economy.
Study on the interaction between ngo, education and business
The study was made by our partners Business for Education Foundation as part of our capacity building project. It makes an overview of the needs of this interaction, the roles of the parties involved, the opportunities and constraints before it, the approaches towards sustainable development and some best practicies in Bulgaria. It is available only in Bulgarian language. Available only in Bulgarian language.