

We are please to announce the start of this years National School Competition “What nature teaches me”. Students, aged 16 to 19, must write an essay answering the question above. The authors of the 12 best essays win a free participation in the summer academy “Education for the future”, which will be held between 7th and 11th of July, 2014 in Deshka’s Education Centre in Gorno Draglishte.

At the end of the academy we expect students to be well aware of responsible entrepreneurship and way of life, as well as of some of the ways to achieve it. Thus, our initiative will contribute to the creation of green jobs, a much needed driver for transition to a low-carbon economy in Bulgaria.

Requirements for participation:

Students must answer to the question “What nature teaches me?”, with a further reflection on the following:

  • This is good for me, because…
  • This is good for those around me, because…
  • This is good for my place in the world, because…
  • This inspires me, because…

The essay must be maximum two A4 pages, and sent to ekoparlament@abv.bg, not later than June 10th, 2014.

Selection criteria include:

  • The content is relevant to the topic
  • Personal views are expressed and justified
  • Motivation for participation is evidenced
  • The content demonstrates prior preparation and/or interest in the topic
  • The essay is written with creativity and inspiration

Personal information:

  • Name
  • School
  • Town
  • Email
  • Phone

The financial support for partners Ecosystem Europe and National Student Ecoparliament is provided by America for Bulgaria Foundation.
