WITH4LESS creates a new community of players in the tourism chain by developing new skills to support customers/tourists, micro-enterprises, SMEs, employees of companies and service providers (public and private) to actively participate in the green transition through simple and effective actions.

The new actors in this process are the „ConsumeLess advisors“, who are equipped with… More

NBS Academy

The NBS Academy project

The NBS Academy project sets to create a European Community of Practice (CoP) of teacher education and training providers, teachers, policy makers and other education experts focused on developing and testing new professional learning programmes for improving teachers’ competences on Education for Environmental Sustainability (EES) by utilising nature-based solutions (NBS).



Place OUT!

Place OUT! is an initiative focused on increasing youth protagonism and leadership in non-urban areas across the EU. By applying Urban Regeneration – a conceptual framework focused on improving physical and environmental aspects of areas – the programme aims to increase the implementation of generative youth-led place-based policies for the sustainable regeneration of rural territories… More

Green skills for future Tourism

In recent times, attention on sustainability is increasingly growing. The Next Generation EU dedicates great part of its funds to ecological and green transition, while the new European Green Deal provides an action plan to make the EU’s economy sustainable, in line with SDGs from Agenda 2030. In order to seize these opportunities, it is… More

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